YOU AND THE CREW GETTING READY TO ROLL POLAR ROLL-MS FIELD MANUAL Your single source of truth for all things related to the Polar Roll Mass Start Event is contained within the PR-Field Manual. Packet pickup, Locations, Start Times, and more… all in the Field Manual. Read it. Also in the PR-Field Manual: A detailed explanation of the inherent dangers associated with this event, safety precautions, and the rules. Your preparation is your responsibility. When you show up and take the line you are telling us you have read everything we provided and ya know what you signed up to do, and you’re ready. If that’s not the case… you should stay home. GPX FILES POLAR ROLL GEAR STORE CLOSES February 23, 2025 BUY NOW POLAR ROLL ULTRA FIELD MANUAL Your single source of truth for all things related to the Polar Roll Ultra is contained within the PR-Field Manual. Packet pickup, Locations, Start Times, Required Gear and more… all in the Field Manual. Read it. Also in the PR-Field Manual: A detailed explanation of the inherent dangers associated with this event, safety precautions, and the rules. Your preparation is your responsibility. When you show up and take the line you are telling us you have read everything we provided and ya know what you signed up to do, and you’re ready. If that’s not the case… you should stay home. LIVE TIMING Supporting Partners
Crusher 2025

REGISTRATION OPENS DECEMBER 31ST AT 9:06 AM Days Hours Minutes Seconds Register CRUSHER-MS Date: 07.19.25 Copper Harbor, Michigan Mass Start events are about community and doing hard things together. The Crusher MS format is harder than your average gravel event. The experience will test you. You will learn about “Yooper Math” and “Checkpoints.” You’re not gonna find a better place on Earth to spend a weekend or a better group of people to spend it with. All MS events begin and end in Copper Harbor (loops), except for the P2P, which is a point-to-point. Join the Crusher Facebook group. It’s the best source for up to date Crusher information and help from the community. Go join it today. Signage: There is none. GPS is required. Routes: All new routes (cause we’re moving to the Keweenaw). Between now and next summer we’ll tease ya with photos and video from the course. The best place to go for that content is the public “The Crusher” Facebook page, or join the Facebook group. You will not see final routes until a couple of weeks before the event. Here’s a tip: Be ready for everything. If you do that… it won’t matter what the route is. MS stands for Mass Start. Learn the Crusher nomenclature. The Mass Start is July 19th-20th, 2025 at the Trail’s End Campground in Copper Harbor. You’ll get to crush it with 400-500 fellow Crushers. We camp together. We cry and laugh together. We CRUSH together. Self-supported/Neutral Support. You’re expected to be fully self-sufficient and carry all recommended gear. We’re telling you up front no one is coming to save you. Be prepared. If you’r not prepared stay home. Checkpoints. Are required. Reference the field manual for details. Field Manual. The Field Manual is your single source of truth for all things Crusher. It will contain everything you need to know about the event. The new Field Manual will not be available until early summer 2025, but for now you could download one of the digital copies of the manual on our website to get a feel for what the event is all about. Distances (in miles): 40, 100, 175, P2P, a 50-mile NFR (Not Fun Run). Refer to the manual for details. Date: 7.20.2024 Location: Trail’s End Campground, 14203 M-26, Copper Harbor, MI 49918 Camping: We have rented the entire Trail’s End Facility for the weekend of the event. You can camp with us at no cost. When registration opens, we’ll ask you to answer questions. Basically, you’re telling us if you plan to camp with us or not. From there, you’ll need to await further instruction after registration fills up. Camping is offered on a first come, first serve basis. Timing: Superior Timing. Wanna visit their website? Google it. Photographers: Ryan Stephens Photography, Rob Meendering Photography, and Fresh Coast Exposures. CRUSHER-P2P Date: July 15, 2025 Somewhere, UPPER PENINSULA The only thing standing between you and Copper Harbor is 500 miles. You’ll start days ahead of the rest of the event. The P2P format has always been the ultimate Crusher experience. This is the first time that we’re riding TO the harbor. For all intents and purposes, you should look at this ride as an EX event because the only time you’ll see anyone else is most likely at the finish. Hell, you might even finish before we get there. Join the Crusher Facebook group. It’s the best source for up to date Crusher information and help from the community. Go join it today. Signage: There is none. GPS is required. Satellite communication devices are recommended for this event. I.E. Garmin Inreach, etc. Route: This is a bikepack route/event. P2P means you start in one place and end in another. There will be logistics. You will need to figure them out. Expect to encounter everything you’d expect from a gravel event, and a lot of stuff you wouldn’t. This includes singletrack. P2P. Point-2-Point. Self-supported. We’re offering you a chance to declare at registration that you’ll complete this challenge unsupported. That means no one can help you from outside the event. If you accept help from anyone, you will be disqualified. We will not move you from unsupported to supported categories mid-event. All P2P riders are required to be fully self-supported. No one is out there to save you. You will be alone. There are inherent dangers in activities of this nature that can only be mitigated by preparation, experience, and grit. Neutral Support. If you register to complete this event “unsupported,” you cannot accept the support of any kind. For everyone else, you know the drill. If you offer help to one rider, you must be willing to help them all if you can. Checkpoints. Are required. Reference the field manual for details. Field Manual. The Field Manual is your single source of truth for all things Crusher. But we haven’t done this before, so it’s not in the Field Manual. Distance (in miles): 500 miles. Date: 7.15.2025 (Tentative) Could change. We’ll have a better idea once we finalize the route. Start Location: TBD End Location: Trail’s End Campground, 14203 M-26, Copper Harbor, MI 49918 Camping: You can camp at Trail’s End Campground at the finish*. Timing: Superior Timing and Trackleaders. * If you finish CRUSHER-EX Enhanced solo adventuring at it’s worst. Date: 7.01.2025 – 9.30.2025 Also referred to as our expedition format. The ultimate adventure experience. No crowds. No dog and pony show. Just you and the challenge in front of ya. You can complete your ride anytime within the three-month window. You will be all alone. No one is out there to save you. The variety of routes that were offered last year was a hit (EX40). We expect to do the same this year. Join the Crusher Facebook group. It’s the best source for up to date Crusher information and help from the community. Go join it today. Signage: There is none. GPS is required. Self-supported/Neutral Support. You’re expected to be fully self-sufficient and carry all recommended gear. We’re telling you up front no one is coming
Polar Roll 2025

The 2025 Polar Roll is gonna be one to remember: We’re bringing back the Point-to-Point MS30 format and we’re spicing up the MS15. EX routes are gonna get some updates, and we’re planning to roll out some brand new backwoods winter adventures for ya to enjoy. PR-ULTRA is back for the third year, and the route is gonna get some updates. Last but not least, we’re happy to share that Polar Roll will be presented by 45NRTH this year (and into the future). Now let’s get some damn snow! REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 3RD AT 9:06 AM Days Hours Minutes Seconds REGISTER GET A TRAINING AND NUTRITION PLAN TO BE A #FINISHER MS EVENT 02.15.25 Read More EX EVENT 1.1.25 – 3.16.25 Read More ULTRA140 EVENT 2.17.25 Read More POLAR ROLL – MS (LIMITED TO 400 SPOTS) Date: 2.17.25 Why: You love winter adventuring with 400 of your best friends.Who: Anyone signed up for the Polar Roll-MS, their support crews, friends and family, and sponsors. What: 15 or 30 miles of machine groomed singletrack, by bike or on foot. When: February 15, 2025 Where: Start Line: TBD, Finish Line: 319 East Division Street, Ishpeming, Michigan 49855 Routes: Will not be released until the week of the event. GPS is required! If you do not use GPS, go off course, or cut the course, you will be disqualified. Event start times: MS-30 (Bike/Hike) *Reference PR25-MOD1 Field Manual when it is released MS-15 (Bike/Hike) *Reference PR25-MOD1 Field Manual when it is released Event Cut-offs: 12 hours for all event lengths. Timing company: 2025 Field Manual: Coming Soon. POLAR ROLL – EX Date: 1.1.25 – 3.16.25 Why: You prefer your winter adventures alone, or with a small group of friends.Who: Anyone looking for a challenge, or seeking a winter goal. What: EX15, EX30, Duathlon for Dummies, IQ Test. When: January 1 – March 16, 2025Where: TBD Routes: EX routes will be available one week prior to the opening of the EX window. Start Times: Whenever the hell you want. Event Cut-offs: 24 Hours, All events. Timing company: Refer to the Field Manual for details. Again, this page covers only who, what, when, where, and why. Polar Roll Field Manuals provide a much deeper dive into the nuance and fundamentals of each event. 2025 Field Manual: Coming Soon. POLAR ROLL ULTRA (LIMITED TO 75 SPOTS) Date: 2.17.25 We’re not looking for race resumes, but we do need some info if you wanna do the Ultra. You need to Email Todd. Why: Because you’re looking for a new challenge that will take you to your limits. Who: This event is capped and will be limited to participants whom we allow to register for it. What: PR-Ultra (140 miles) When: February 17, 2025 Where: Start TBD, Finish: West End Ski & Trail, Ishpeming, MI Route: The 2025 route will receive a few “enhancements”. Stay tuned. Start Time: 7:00 AMEvent Cut-off: 48 hours. Buckle Times will be established once the route is finalized.Timing company: Again, this page covers only who, what, when, where, and why. Polar Roll Field Manuals provide a much deeper dive into the nuance and fundamentals of each event. In compliance with MCL 324.51113 of the Commercial Forest Act, none of the funds raised for this event will be used as payment or compensation for use of any part of the event that traverses property enrolled in the Commercial Forest Program. 2025 Field Manual: Coming Soon. COMPLETE THE TRIPLE CROWN GET INVITED TO THE SECRET EVENT Supporting Partners
Polar Roll Registration


MARJI GESICK VS. BIKEREGA BATTLE FOR THE AGES Some got in, some did not. Some of you got charged, but still did not get in. Ouch. So, what’s next? We’re gonna let the dust settle. We started working through things last night. There’s a good chance if your card was charged, you’re in. If you haven’t checked yet, do it. If you’re still showing a charge and no entry, let’s wait till Monday and see what happens. You are welcome to email me if you still have questions ( If you text me there is a zero percent chance you’ll get an answer back 😂 LIMITED EDITION MARJI X “R U TUFF ENUFF” SHIRTS To celebrate MGX we brought back the OG Marji Gesick t-shirt design (2016). They’re in the store until Sunday night. Grab em’ before they’re gone. Tuff-Enough-Gray Tuff-Enough-Blue We attempted the hardest MTB race in North America (Marji Gesick 100 2024) Supporting Partners

CLICK HERE OCTOBER 11, 2024 “Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face.” – Mike Tyson This weekend only. Early Bird Pricing on Marji Gesick Training Plans from RLP Coaching. Buy A Plan If you get through registration, you’re going to need a plan. Double down with a nutrition plan to complement your training plan. Join Self-Support Nutrition to learn how to fuel your training, dial in your nutrition for the event, and feed yourself for whatever else life has in store. MGX Invite open through 10/15/2024. MGX: Rules of Engagement Marji Gesick follows a self-supported ethos. We are not here to help you. You’re on your own. No one is out there to save you. GPS is required. The course will be marked but signs tend to fall down, the wind blows em’ away, or bears eat them. You are responsible for yourself, your choices, and the consequences. You are voluntarily registering for what people call the “Hardest Single-day Event In America.” You are responsible for yourself, your preparation, your choices, and the outcome. If you’re not okay with that, staying home is safer. THE 2025 ENDURANCE TRILOGY Do you have what it takes to complete the Endurance Trilogy in one year, and become a member of the “Hall of Pain?” There’s only one way to find out. Hit the link below for more details, and get ready. MORE INFO Supporting Partners
Marji Camp 2025

MARJI CAMP SCHEDULE – 2025 Thursday, June 53PM-8PM – Check-In (Campsites cannot be occupied prior to 3PM.)9PM – Night Ride Friday, June 6● 7:30AM – Breakfast & Coffee – provided by 906● 9AM-12PM – Ride● 12PM-1PM – Lunch – provided trailside by 906● 1PM-4PM – Ride● 6PM – Dinner/Beer – provided by 906● 7:30PM – Campfire Talks● 9PM – Night Ride Saturday, June 7● 7:30AM – Breakfast & Coffee – provided by 906● 9AM-12PM – Ride● 12PM-1PM – Lunch – provided trailside by 906● 1PM-4PM – Ride● 6PM – Dinner/Beer – provided by 906● 7:30PM – Campfire Talks● 9PM – Night Ride Sunday, June 8● 11AM – Checkout from Rippling River CAMPING Is first come, first serve. Everyone has to fit into Pioneer Circle. Be ready to share space. Camp is about community. If you want a buncha privacy – get a room. GROUP ASSIGNMENTS Before camp, you will receive a survey. Fill it out. We’ll use the info you provide to create the Marji Camp groups. No, you cannot pick your group, and don’t ask us to pair you with a friend. You’ll get your assignment when ya get to camp. RIDE LOCATIONS Here’s the thing you need to remember: You will ride at 3-4 different trailheads and locations. Most of them WILL require you either drive or carpool with someone. Have a plan. You’ll get more information when you check in on Thursday. BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, BEER We will provide beer each night, but when it’s gone it’s gone. Maybe you should pick up a sixer of your favorite beverage and we could do a little beer share? Up to you. Breakfast is on us Friday and Saturday morning. Lunch and dinner are, too. Here’s a look at da menu. Marji Camp Breakfast Menu (Friday & Saturday) Granola w/milk (GF)Bacon Red Pepper Crustless Quiche (GF)Lemon Poppyseed Muffins (GF)Blueberry MuffinsChocolate Chunk MuffinsHam & Cheese CroissantsCheddar Herb Scones Marji Camp Lunch Menu (Friday & Saturday) Turkey Wrap – Turkey, bacon, swiss, chipotle mayo, leaf lettuce. With kettle chips and a chocolate chunk cookie. Italian Wrap – Ham, salami, provolone, garlic mayo, leaf lettuce. With kettle chips and a chocolate chunk cookie. Marji Camp Dinner Menu (Friday): Marji Camp Dinner Menu (Saturday): Fueled by WEATHER, GEAR, LIES Don’t believe the forecast. It lies! Bring clothes for warm weather, cold weather, rain, and snow. Bring lots of layers. Bring bug spray and head nets. Bring extra tires. If you still have room, pack your mom, too. She can read you a bedtime story and tell ya it’s gonna be ok before bed. Bike or running shoes Helmet Lights (for night ride/run) First Aid kit Camping gear Rain gear Layers Knee pads, elbow pads (optional) GPS Bug spray Supplemental food, hydration, and basic nutrition NIGHT RIDES There will be night rides scheduled each night. Find out more when you check in. CAMPFIRE TALKS There will be campfire talks scheduled each night. Find out more when you check in. MARQUETTE MOUNTAIN Please do not pre-ride anywhere on Marquette Mountain property. Their trails are not open to the public. You must have a season pass to ride trails on their property. Supporting Partners

2025 MARJI GESICK X REGISTRATION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11TH AT 9:06 PM What’s harder than Marji Gesick? Registering for it. Welcome to the madness. If you’re #freshmeat, buckle up, buttercup. Here’s a few things everyone needs to know: The site will not be password protected when registration opens up on Friday, October 11th at 9:06 PM. EVERYONE REGISTERS HERE • BIKERS + RUNNERS GO TO BIKEREG!• MINI MARJI CAPPED AT 180 SPOTS• RUN CAPS: MG100 (65) MG50 (65), MINI (65)• MARJI CAMP: NO RUNNING GROUPS THIS YEAR MGX: Rules of Engagement Marji Gesick follows a self-supported ethos. We are not here to help you. You’re on your own. No one is out there to save you. GPS is required. The course will be marked but signs tend to fall down, the wind blows em’ away, or bears eat them. You are responsible for yourself, your choices, and the consequences. You are voluntarily registering for what people call the “Hardest Single-day Event In America.” You are responsible for yourself, your preparation, your choices, and the outcome. If you’re not okay with that, staying home is safer. “Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face.” – Mike Tyson This weekend only. Early Bird Pricing on Marji Gesick Training Plans from RLP Coaching. Buy A Plan Marji Gesick Talk Join one or all of our community groups on Facebook.906AT has a large and active online community. Everyone is welcome to join and be part of it. Groups are a great way to learn about each event, get answers to questions, and get support. Groups are not a great place for your politics and agenda. If you bring them there, we’ll remove you. The groups help people prepare for the events, find their limits, and finish what they start. #unfinishedbusiness#finishwhatyoustart #findyourlimits #blamedanny #marjigesick #blametodd #freshmeat #NUESeries SHARE ONE OR ALL OF THE SLIDES FOR A CHANCE TO REGISTER EARLY. #REGISTER #FRESHMEAT #UNFINISHEDBUSINESS #REGISTRATIONFINISHER FIND YOUR LIMITS If you get through registration, you’re going to need a plan. Double down with a nutrition plan to complement your training plan. Join Self-Support Nutrition to learn how to fuel your training, dial in your nutrition for the event, and feed yourself for whatever else life has in store. MGX Invite open through 10/15/2024. Complete the Endurance Trilogy and become a member of the “Hall of Pain.” MORE INFO MARJI CAMP JUNE 5 – 8, 2025 LEARN MORE Supporting Partners
MG2024 Recap

Gear Store ::: Closes 9.29.2024 STORE PhotoS Support the photographers who help us tell your story, eh. Fresh Coast Exposures RESULTS Superior Timing RESULTS Marji Gesick X Registration for 2025 – 10.11.2024 Supporting Partners

STORE CLOSES 9.29.2024 SPEND YOUR LIMITS Supporting Partners