Crusher Race Week 2024

ENHANCING GRAVEL SINCE 2014 DOWNLOAD GPX RWGPS is your single source for Crusher GPX files. If you struggle with the files or figuring out da checkpoints, go to the Crusher: Enhanced Gravel Discussions Group on Facebook and ask for help. The community will assist you. Crusher Field Notes (CR24FN) contains everything ya need to know (who, what, when, where, etc). Read it. Lastly, Stay connected this week. There’s always some last minute details that ya might need to know. Actually, I’ll give ya one more tip, if ya don’t have a snorkel, you might wanna get one. A selfie picture might require it… DOWNLOAD FIELD NOTES THE SELF-SUPPORTED STATEMENT 906AT productions are unlike most events you will sign up for. We do not hold your hand. We give you just enough information to point you in the right direction and leave it up to you to get all the details. We share a lot of content through the official Facebook pages, Facebook event groups, and the newsfeeds on our website. Stay connected. If the way we do stuff isn’t your thing, it’s ok. There are a lot of other events out there. “You are on your own. No one is out there to save you. GPS is required. You must observe and obey the “rules of the road.” We do not sign the course. You should not approach wildlife. In an emergency, dial 911.” 906AT events will expose you to treacherous terrain, inclement weather, fatigue, and hallucinations; the activity is inherently dangerous. At some point, you will likely ride or push your bike through the night, swearing you’ll never do <insert event name here> again. Don’t feel bad; this is normal.Hype disclaimer: Right now, some people start rolling their eyes because they think some marketing department is trying to scare them. That’s not the case. What we’re telling you isn’t hype. If you don’t respect the inherent danger of an activity, it could kill you. However, with proper preparation and practice, you will learn how to survive and thrive; that’s our goal. Each event carries a recommended gear list. Find the lists. Make sure you have everything on them. Train with the gear. Learn how to use it. The last place you want to find out you don’t know how to start a fire is on the Peshekee Grade at six o’clock in the morning when it’s 33 degrees. It’s a mistake you might only get to make once. Some ask, “Why do you make it so hard?” Well, the world is full of people pushing easy things on you and hyping stuff up to be challenging that isn’t. Those folks are just trying to sell you a product. Our mission is to help you find your best version. That’s going to take work – Dedicated, consistent, hard work. We’re not selling you a product; we’re offering you an opportunity. CRUSHER GEAR STORE OPENS FRIDAY FOLLOW THE MS350 ON TRACKLEADERS. STARTS FRIDAY AT 0000. WHEREVER I MAY ROAM. GET THE CRUSHER PLAYLIST. CAMPING + BEER SHARE!