Adventure Leadership Summit 2024

ADVENTURE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Off The Bike Training Barrel + Beam 260 Northwoods Road Marquette, MI 49855 On The Bike Training Lakeshore Basecamp 955 North Lakeshore Blvd Marquette, MI 49855 LEADERSHIP SUMMIT CHECK-IN: OPENS SATURDAY 7:30 AM Get checked-in and enjoy breakfast from 231 West. Network with Adventure Leaders from around the Midwest. We start Saturday together, but after lunch we’ll go separate ways. Some will stay at Barrell + Beam while others will go to Basecamp. We’ll share the schedule with you a week before the event. Contact: if you have questions before leadership weekend. YOU’LL GET LEADERSHIP TRAINING ON AND OFF THE BIKE* Your training will be done inside and out. What does that mean? Pack your bike and gear. Be ready for anything. It’s da U.P.! Seriously, though, show up prepared for anything. It’s a good time, and might get a little “enhanced”. Helmets are required, in case you are wondering. One more thing, if the weather permits, we’ll ride trails, but if it’s wet we won’t. We have a lot of options to choose from. * Basecamp volunteers can opt-out of on-the-bike training, but anyone planning to coach on the bike has to go through it. *We’re working on an outdoor option for running coaches too. We will let everyone know one week before the summit what day they’ll be outside on the bike. Breakfast is provided Saturday & Sunday.Lunch is provided Saturday. Training should be done by 1pm Sunday. Download the Agenda Volunteer Panel Q&A & Social at Barrell + Beam Saturday night Don’t miss this chance to ask questions and hang out with experienced leaders from across the Adventure Team communities from 6:30 – 8:00pm Saturday night. BEFORE YOU HEAD HOME YOU WILL COMPLETE ALL OF YOUR QUIZZES We have scheduled time at the end of each day for you to complete your quizzes. It’s important to get this done before you head home for the weekend. Make sure you can do it on a laptop or your mobile device while you’re with us. AREA LEADS: DON’T FORGET TO GO HOME WITH YOUR GEAR This is a reminder for our Area Leads that most (if not all) of you will have something you need to take home with you. New communities will have a lot, including bikes! Make sure you know how you’re gonna get everything back home. If you’re not sure how much stuff we have for ya get ahold of Marc at Lakeshore Basecamp. He can send ya a copy of your order. CANCELLATION NOTICE If for some reason you are unable to make it, please let us know as far in advance as possible. We have a waitlist of people who tried to get in. Contact: Todd Poquette