Volunteers 2024 April Update

2024 VOLUNTEERS – APRIL UPDATE Important Dates 4.21.2024 LMS Online Training must be completed 4.27.2024 Adventure Leadership Summit (Training for all volunteers must be completed) 5.03.2024 Early Adventure Team Registration (Volunteers Only) 5.04.2024 Adventure Team Registration (Public) APRIL 2024: ADVENTURE TEAM VOLUNTEER DISPATCH Believe it or not it’s April and Adventure Team Youth Registration is less than one month away! With that being said, it’s time to check in and share some important volunteer information. By now you should have been sent an invitation to Sterling, passed your background check and been invited to the online training. If you have not completed both of those steps, or if you have only completed one of them, reach out to julie@906adventureteam.com right away so we can get ya on-track. Up to this point in your volunteer adventure all you need to have done is your background check and training (unless you’re attending in-person training later this month). IF YOU’RE HAVING A HARD TIME GETTING THE BACKGROUND CHECK DONE… Contact julie@906adventureteam.com IF YOU’RE PLANNING TO COMPLETE YOUR TRAINING ONLINE… You need to complete it by April 21st, 2024. IF YOU’RE PLANNING TO COMPLETE YOUR TRAINING IN-PERSON… You will complete it all while you’re here, including the quizzes. IF YOU’RE SIGNED UP TO ATTEND THE ADVENTURE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT… You’ll get an email with all of the details from us in the middle of next week. Until then, go ahead and download the schedule. 5.03.2024 IS EARLY REGISTRATION DAY FOR VOLUNTEERS You’ll get a chance to register your children a day ahead of the public opening, but only if you’ve passed the background check and completed your training. So, get er’ done! Early registration will be open from 8:00 am until 9:06 pm 5.03.2024. 5.04.2024 IS YOUTH REGISTRATION DAY FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC Registration will open at NOON EASTERN TIME. Yes, EASTERN TIME. Registration is not live yet. When it is we’ll send ya the link. Until then, you could visit www.bikereg.com and create an account, and learn how to use the program before registration.