IT’S TIME TO ROLL. This update is broken into two parts: Polar Roll-MS and PR-Ultra. If you don’t know what that means it might be safer to stay home. POLAR ROLL-MS This field manual provides the basic doctrinal framework of Polar Roll. Content discussions include fundamentals, culture, logistics, routes, maps, event partners, the mission, and more. The topics, gear recommendations, community code of conduct, rules, and logistics apply to all Polar Roll formats: Mass Start (MS), Expedition (EX), and Polar Roll – Ultra. The primary audience for this manual are Polar Roll participants, support crews, friends and family, partners and sponsors, and 906 Adventure Team staff and volunteers. Polar Roll is a winter event. Winter events are generally more dangerous. The stakes are much higher. Mistakes carry larger consequences. You signed up for this. Your understanding of the event and you preparation for it are your responsibility. If you are not completely confident in your ability to handle the rigors of this event you should stay home FIELD MANUAL GPX FILES LIVE TIMING GEAR STORE OPEN TILL THE 25TH HUGS + BACON SINCE 2015 PR-ULTRA This field manual provides the basic doctrinal framework of Polar Roll. Content discussions include fundamentals, culture, logistics, routes, maps, event partners, the mission, and more. The topics, gear recommendations, community code of conduct, rules, and logistics apply to all Polar Roll formats: Mass Start (MS), Expedition (EX), and Polar Roll – Ultra. The primary audience for this manual are Polar Roll participants, support crews, friends and family, partners and sponsors, and 906 Adventure Team staff and volunteers. Polar Roll is a winter event. Winter events are generally more dangerous. The stakes are much higher. Mistakes carry larger consequences. You signed up for this. Your understanding of the event and you preparationfor it are your responsibility. If you are not completely confident in your ability to handle the rigors of this event you should stay home. FIELD MANUAL GPX FILES DOT WATCHING STARTS 2.19.2024 GEAR STORE OPEN TILL THE 25TH