Crusher 2024

2014 – 2024 TEN YEARS. STILL CRUSHING IT. REGISTRATION OPENS DECEMBER 31ST AT 9:06 AM Days Hours Minutes Seconds PASSPORT Register “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” – Dr. Emmett Brown Celebrating ten years is a chance to wax poetic about how great it’s all been, but we’re not gonna do that today. We’re gonna look forward – to the next ten years. We’re gonna keep challenging you and others to get outside their comfort zone and crush it. That’s what we’re here to do, and we’re AFI. Are you? Crusher isn’t like other gravel events. That’s not us bragging, it’s a fact, and yes, it should scare you – It’s meant to. Crusher is an event you might not finish. That’s Bottom line. There’s a chance you’re going to quit, and that’s really uncomfortable for a lot of people, but overcoming is what we’re built to do, and we need to practice. You might call Crusher the “Dr. Phil” of gravel – doling out “tough love” with a smile. For a lot of folks out there the hurdle isn’t the route, navigation, or equipment, it’s the self doubt. It’s being surrounded by the wrong people. You get comfortable, makes excuses, and play it safe, or convince yourself “all that hard core stuff is for crazy people”. Well, that’s BS. Crushers are a bunch of orindary people doing extra-orindary stuff, together. Never Settle. See ya in 24’. Todd Poquette CRUSHER-MS Date: 12.22.23 Join the Crusher Facebook group. It’s the best source for up to date Crusher information and help from the community. Go join it today. Signage: There is none. GPS is required. Routes: We’re working on them, but they won’t be available for a while. That’s part of the Crusher charm, we keep ya guessing. The MS350 will travel point-to-point, and start on Friday morning. Spots will be limited. It will end at Otter Lake Campground with the rest of the events. Everything else starts and ends at the campground. Oh, we will probably use trackers for the MS350, but not the rest of the MS events. MS stands for Mass Start. Got it? Good. If you like the excitement of being around other people, are new to gravel, like to hang out and camp, or just aren’t sure yet about EX, this is the format for you. Is it hard? Yes. Is there a chance you might fail? Absolutely. That’s why you should do it. Is it hard like the EX? No. It’s a stepping stone. Self-supported/Neutral Support. You’re expected to be fully self-sufficient and carry all recommended gear. We’re telling you up front no one is coming to save you. Be prepared. If your not prepared stay home. Checkpoints. Are required. Reference the field manual for details. Distances (in miles): 40, 100, 175, 350, a 50-mile NFR, and Team Event. Refer to the manual for details. Date: 7.20.2024 Location: Otter Lake Campground, Munising, Michigan. Camping: Is very limited and on a first come-first served basis. Camping will likely sell out the first day registration opens, so don’t delay. Timing: Superior Timing. Wanna visit their website? Google it. Photographers: Ryan Stephens Photography, Rob Meendering Photography, and Fresh Coast Exposures. Crush or be crushed! It was great until it wasn’t. CRUSHER-EX Date: 12.22.23 Signage: There is none. GPS is required. Self-supported/Neutral Support. You’re expected to be fully self-sufficient and carry all recommended gear. We’re telling you up front no one is coming to save you. Be prepared. If your not prepared stay home. We’re gonna say this once, and it’s not meant as a comparison of the two formats, but it has to be said: EX is gnarlier, harder, and much more remote than the MS. Go into it fully prepared to be tested in ways you haven’t been tested before. Checkpoints. Are required. Reference the field manual for details. Distances (in miles): 40, extra 40, 100, 225, and a 50-mile NFR. Refer to the manual for details. Date: 7.01.2024 – 9.30.2024 Location: Start locations vary. See manual for details. Camping: Not provided. Timing: Trackleaders. Beacons are required for this event. See manual for more details. Photographers: You JOIN THE GROUP Join the CRUSHER: ENHANCED GRAVEL DISCUSSIONS Facebook group. Learn about Crusher from the people who do it. We’ll provide the basics: who, what, when, where. You have to figure the rest out on your own or with the help of the Crusher community. There’s a lot to learn: how to navigate, checkpoints, the gear. It’s the perfect challenge for a new year. Now get after it. JOIN THE hall of pain THE TRILOGY The Triple Crown consists of three of the toughest events on bike or foot. From the grueling singletrack of Marji Gesick, the relentless wilderness of The Crusher, or the unpredictable weather of The Polar Roll, 906 Adventure Team events are no walk in the park. Athletes that complete one from each of these three events below are granted lifetime entry into our Hall of Pain and are eligible to attend our annual “secret event.” You do not have to complete all three challenges in the same year, you just have to complete one of each sometime in your lifetime. “BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.” When you step outside your comfort zone to crush it, you’re helping us show kids (future Crushers) they can do the same. 906AT events challenge adults to “find their limits” and “finish what they start,” your participation in those events has made it possible for us to establish eleven youth resilience development Adventure Teams around the Midwest. Life is an adventure; it’s up to us to ensure youth are prepared, one adventure at a time. LEARN MORE